Finally… the Practical, Step-By-Step Support Young People Need to Pursue Their Passions And Start Doing Hard Things.

Are you ready for something more?

Hi, my name is Brett Harris. I’m the co-founder of

I’ve been helping young people start doing hard things since I was 16. 

Since then millions of teens, parents, and youth workers have visited my website, over 500,000 have purchased my books, and tens-of-thousands have attended my conferences. 

But despite the way God has blessed my work, I’ll never forget where I started. 

At 16, I was desperate to make a difference, but I felt stuck — in limbo. 

It was a time of uncertainty for our family as we dealt with a major health crisis. It was a time of uncertainty for my twin brother Alex and me because our summer plans fell through. 

But God is far bigger than our circumstances. And He still uses ordinary young people to accomplish extraordinary things in His Kingdom. 

Three years later, Alex and I were publishing our first book, Do Hard Things, our simple blog had grown into an international movement, and we had passion and purpose like we never imagined. 

And that was just the beginning.

That's me (Brett) on the left and Alex on the right.

Where will you be in three years?

Do Hard Things University is all about where you’ll be in three years. It’s about how your life could change by doing hard things — starting right where you are and growing from there. 

Three years from now, if we met each other, would you have a story tell me? A story of starting small and seeing God entrust you with bigger and harder things to do? 

Or, will you still be thinking, “I could never change the world like that. Maybe someday. Later.” 

Three years from now, will you still be waiting around for your life to start? 

Here’s the deal: 

I’ve met young people who want to change the world, but have no idea where to start. 

I've met young people who have tried to change the world, only to hit major roadblocks. 

And I've met young people who have started changing the world, only to lose motivation.

Each of these young people represent enormous potential that is being wasted by a world that doesn’t train or equip young people to start living real life NOW. 

We can’t afford to waste that potential any longer.

Every young person who wants to change the world needs to know how to get started, how to overcome all the common obstacles, and how to keep striving after excellence for God’s glory, not their own.

That is why I created Do Hard Things University. 

There is no reason motivated young people can’t learn the same things grownups are learning about finding their passions, setting and achieving significant goals, establishing good habits and routines, and getting others involved along the way. 

There’s no reason you (yes, YOU!) can’t change the world, starting right where you are and growing your impact from there…

...if you receive the right training.

Here's what your peers told me...

Survey of 706 Christian young people — ages 12-24

35.7% of young people identified with the statement, “I don’t have a clear direction for my life. I could use help identifying my passion.”

46.4% of young people identified with the statement, “I am passionate about something, but I’m not sure how to pursue it.”

29.3% of young people identified with the statement, “I am pursuing my passion, but I feel stuck and/or discouraged.”

20.2% of young people identified with the statement, “I am pursuing my passion, but I lack the practical skills I need.”

What would happen if these young people received the practical coaching they need to find their passions, start pursuing them, and grow in character and competence for God's glory?

They could change the world.


This kind of high-level training hasn't been available... UNTIL NOW.


Do Hard Things University

That's why I've put together a first-of-its-kind online training course to help you find your passion, get started, overcome obstacles, and stay motivated.

Do Hard Things University isn't just a course. It’s a combination of instruction and live coaching that takes you by the hand and teaches you the principles and strategies behind making a big impact at a young age (or really, at any age).

DHTU provides the support you need to accomplish something important.

Easy-to-follow lessons? Check.

Supportive community of young people? Check.

Personal coaching? Check.

Lifetime access to course content? Check.

DHTU is grounded in proven principles and strategies that work. It's broken down into practical lessons that address the most common questions I receive from young people.

This is the kind of serious instruction and coaching I wish had been available when I was just getting started. It's what I believe every young world changer needs to know.

I will teach you what I've learned.

Here's what you get:

The Course

Live Q&A Calls

Project Makeovers

Interview Series

Session 1: Why Do Hard Things?

  • You will learn why people have trouble staying motivated (it usually comes down to a wrong, weak, or forgotten "why").
  • You will learn exactly what "do hard things" means and what it does NOT mean (and this definition wasn't in our book).
  • You will learn why doing hard things as a young person is so critical — and why just doing easy things isn't an option.
  • You will learn which biblical command provides the basis for doing hard things (Hint: It's all over the New Testament).
  • You will learn powerful arguments from history and cutting edge brain science for why teens should do hard things.
  • You'll learn about the recent scientific breakthroughs that are reshaping our view of adolescent protential.
  • You will learn the neuroscience behind why what you do as a teenager shapes you for the rest of your life.

PLUS you get 40 minutes of recorded Q&A on this topic.

The objective of this session:

To show you why doing hard things as a young person is unbelievably important.

Session 2: Finding Your Passion

The objective of this session:

To answer the question: "How do I know which hard things God wants me to do?"

  • You will learn how to know which hard things God is calling you to do. (Hint: It's not as complicated as people like to make it).
  • You'll learn two primary reasons our generation has such a hard time determining God's will for our lives (even though we desperately seek it).
  • You'll learn about five major problems with the the popular view of God's will. (You've probably experienced some of these yourself). 
  • You'll learn the guiding biblical principles that free you to pursue good works with confidence. (Hat tip to God's Word).
  • You'll learn two helpful tools for identifying which hard things to do next and two key questions to ask yourself when confronted with an opportunity.
  • You'll learn a simple, four-step process for discovering your passions and finally identifying what God wants you to do.

PLUS you get 56 minutes of recorded Q&A on this topic.

Session 3: Getting Started 

  • You will learn why our fear of taking that "scary first step" pushes us towards two equally dangerous extremes.
  • You'll learn about five major reasons young people don't get started doing hard things (and the BIG reason behind them all).
  • You'll learn how NOT to start. This is probably the biggest mistake I see young people making and it can discourage them for life.
  • You'll learn three reasons why starting the wrong way is just as bad as not starting at all — and leads to confusion, discouragement, and feeling totally overwhelmed.
  • Three simple tips to avoid the dangerous extremes and launch your projects successfully (without killing yourself).
  • You'll learn why doing hard things doesn't always mean taking the hardest path. How to work smart and be realistic without being cynical (i.e. without being like those people who use "being realistic" as an excuse for never doing anything).
  • You'll learn how many young people miss out on amazing opportunities because they're looking in the wrong places.
  • You'll learn how to actually get going and start building momentum (even if you feel like you don't have time).

PLUS you get 90 minutes of recorded Q&A on this topic.

The objective of this session:

To walk you through the hardest part of doing hard things: taking that first scary step.

Session 4: Staying Motivated

The objective of this session:

To teach you a Bible-based, science-backed strategy for staying motivated.

  • You will learn about the typical motivation cycle people get sucked into and identify where you are in the cycle.
  • You'll learn the difference between motives and motivation (i.e. why having good reasons for doing something doesn't always mean you'll feel excited about doing it).
  • You'll learn why feeling motivated is still important when doing hard things (and that God wants us to feel motivated).
  • You'll learn what motivation actually is and how it works.
  • You'll learn what NOT to do if you want to stay motivated and discover which activities are actually killing your motivation.
  • You'll learn about five "motivation savers" that help highly productive people stay focused and motivated.
  • You'll learn three simple ways to use your motivation strategically (basically, how to get the most out of the motivation you have).

PLUS you get 60 minutes of recorded Q&A + Project Makeover

Session 5: Managing Your Time

  • You will learn my ten guiding principles for time management and receive six suggestions for practical application.
  • You'll learn the difference between busyness and fruitfulness and why a full schedule doesn't always mean a productive life.
  • You'll learn how to get way more accomplished in less time by identifying "productivity windows" and planning around them.
  • You'll learn which common productivity technique you must eliminate if you want to do your best work.
  • You'll learn how to truly rest and be refreshed from you work and why most people are getting this wrong.
  • You'll learn how to develop new habits and routines that stick and why most people have trouble doing this.
  • I'll walk you through the exact process I use to monitor and improve my time management.

PLUS you get 72 minutes of recorded Q&A + Project Makeover

The objective of this session:

To give you the practical tools you need to take control of your time and get stuff done.

Session 6: Team Building & Action Plans

The objective of this session:

To teach you how to build a team and create your action plan for doing hard things.

  • You'll learn five key principles to keep in mind when building a team (and why so many young people struggle with this).
  • You'll learn how to find "fellow enthusiasts" who are actually excited about your project and will truly help you.
  • You'll learn how to decide when you really need a team and when building a team is just a form of procrastination.
  • You'll learn an effective strategy for bringing team members onboard, which I learned from a popular children's book.
  • You'll learn a four step action plan for how to effectively respond to needs in your community or world.
  • You'll learn a four step action plan for how to effectively launch a content-based project (e.g. blog, YouTube channel, etc.)
  • You'll learn a four step action plan for how to effectively develop your gifts and talents for world-changing impact.

PLUS you get a detailed Project Makeover based on these principles.

Additional Resources

Resource #1:

(6) Live Q&A Sessions 

+ all previously recorded calls

I've designed this course to give you regular interaction with me — so I can personally help you start doing hard things.

In addition to having direct email access to me, you’ll also be able to participate in 6 LIVE group coaching calls.

That's one LIVE call each month for six months.

You can bring any questions to the call and I’ll share my thoughts, explain how I approach the topic, take you behind the scenes of my own projects, and help you get started doing hard things.

All of these will be recorded and made available to you if you are unable to attend.

Resource #2:

Project Makeovers

Do you have an idea for an awesome project? 

Have you started a project only to get stuck? 

Are you ready to take things to the next level? 

This is what Project Makeovers are for. This is your chance to tell me about what you’re doing (or what you’d like to do in the future) and get my tips for how to move forward.

Here’s how this works:

You send me a summary of your project. I sit down and dedicate 45 minutes to brainstorming on your behalf. Then we talk about it together in front of the class. You walk away with fresh ideas, new resources, and a solid action plan for getting started.

While I won't be able to feature every project, I will read every project brief submitted and use that information to serve you better over email, during coaching calls, and on DHTU Connect.

Resource #3:

World Changer Interview Series

I won’t just tell you young people can change the world. 

I’ll show you. 

You’ll hear from ordinary teenagers who have been used by God in extraordinary ways — as missionaries, philanthropists, activists, authors, and more. (And you'll even hear my dad's story!)

Each interviewee will share exactly how they found their passion, how they got started, and how they stay motivated.  

These interviews are only available to DHTU students.

TOP ROW (L-R): Riley Banks-Snyder, Missionary; Zach Bonner, Philanthropist; Alex Harris, Author. BOTTOM ROW (L-R): Gregg Harris, Teenage runaway; Jaquelle Crowe, Author; Austin Gutwein, Advocate

Resource #4:

Private DHTU Connect Website

As a member of DHTU, you’ll have the option to participate in a private online community with likeminded young people around the world.*

Chat with other students during our live sessions, discuss the training, share prayer requests, and help each other with your projects. 

DHTU members have gone on to pubish books, launch YouTube channels, found ministries, and so much more. These are people you want to know!

And our self-hosted community provides a safe place to get to know other present (and future) world-changers.

We hope to see you inside!

*Participation is optional and requires parental approval.

Jaquelle's Story: A book deal at eighteen

(and a writing career she didn't think was possible)

Jaquelle became a DHTU student in February. 

She had a dream to be a professional writer someday, but no idea where to start. 

32 days later, she had drafted the book proposal that went on to secure a book contract with Crossway, her dream publisher. 

45 days later, she published an article for that was read by over 16,000 people (and received 381 comments).

Since then she’s been invited to write for some of her all-time favorite websites, including and

Her first book, This Changes Everything: How The Gospel Transforms The Teen Years, was released in March 2017 and is already a bestseller.

Jaquelle Crowe

DHTU Alumna & Professional Writer

How much does it cost?

To be honest, it was hard to know what to charge for DHTU, mainly because no one (that I know of) has ever made this kind of training available to young people.

I know grownups pay between $500 and $5,000 for this kind of coaching. 

In fact, two months ago I invested in an online course that cost me $2,000! (Yikes)

That $2,000 was a big purchase for me, but it has already changed my life.

I now have a clearer sense of what I’m supposed to be doing and how I’m supposed to do it.

And I believe my life will have a much greater Kingdom impact and be far more fruitful and effective because I made that investment.

It was worth every penny.

I was also looking at what parents invest in things like music lessons and ballet classes — which run between $30-90 per hour or class.

And if I charged even on the low-end of that range we’re talking $500+.

But at the end of the day, I want every young person to be able to take this life-changing course, and so I’ve made two big decisions to guarantee that:

First, I decided to charge much less than I was originally thinking (and much less than I will probably charge in the future)…

$297 per student for 12+ hours of training and 6 months of live coaching that will help you get off the default teenage path and onto a path that will change the world around you.

$297 works out to less than $17 per hour.

Second, I decided to also offer DHTU on a Pay-What-You-Can basis — meaning no one will be turned away for a lack of funds. 

You can register for whatever price-point your family can afford, even if that means giving the course away for free.

Of course, by doing this I am trusting people not to cheat and rip me off. 

I’m already charging less than I probably should, so if you (or your parents) can afford to register at the standard rate, I need you to do that.

That being said, if money is a problem, I want to make it NOT a problem. That’s what the Pay-What-You-Can policy is for.

Do Hard Things University

One payment of $297 (or break it into easy monthly payments)

(That's $1.65 per day)

  • The full Do Hard Things University Online Course
  • Participation in (6) Live Q&A Calls
  • Access to the Do Hard Things University community
  • Access to the World Changer Interview Series
  • Direct feedback on your projects and ideas
  • Access to the Project Makeover Library
  • Life-time membership with free upgrades
  • 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

To register more than one student, please email me:


Do Hard Things Conference Videos

Yours to watch, share, and keep forever.

Pay-What-You-Can Policy

We don't turn anyone away for lack of funds.

If your family can't afford $55/month... 

We want you to PAY LESS.

Families who are struggling financially are welcome to register using our 12-month payment plans — or even for FREE.

Click the button below for more information and to view our Pay-What-You-Can pricing options:

30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Try DHTU for 30 days... RISK FREE.  

What happens if you're not satisfied with your purchase? 

If you are unsatisfied with your purchase within the first 30 days, just ask for a refund. 

Simply email me anytime within 30 days of purchase to get your money back: 

The only requirement is that you watch at least two sessions before requesting your refund. We only give refunds to people who give us a fair chance. :)

What Students Are Saying:

Do Hard Things University has not only helped me realize what my passion is; it has acted as a launching pad to pursue that dream. Through Brett's personal coaching and connecting with other students, I feel more equipped than ever to tackle hard, good things for the glory of God.

— JAQUELLE, Age 17

"DHTU was amazing! Sometimes we don't know where to start, and even if we do, we could use some encouragement and help along the way. If you're looking for God-honoring, practical teaching, you've come to the right place!"

— ANNALYSA, Age 15

"Do Hard Things University gave me a lot of resources and motivation to actually DO hard things meaningful things. I can't wait to see how the world is impacted and changed because of DHTU. I can't wait to see movers and shakers twenty years from now and realize, they went thru DHTU." 


Ten years ago I was just like you…

Ten years ago I was a directionless teenager. 

And by "directionless" — I don't mean I was goofing off and wasting my life. I just didn't have a clear sense of what God wanted me to do. 

I was a good kid. I did my chores. I got good grades. I was successful in my extracurricular activities. I did all the right things. 

But I wasn’t really headed anywhere specific. 

That all change the morning my dad walked in with a big stack of books and a summer reading challenge. Those books opened my eyes to the potential of our generation and convicted me over how often we squander it. 

My twin brother Alex and I channeled that excitement and conviction into a simple blog and a simple message to our peers: “Do hard things. Rebel against low expectations.” 

And God blessed it beyond our wildest dreams. 

Over the last ten years I’ve seen God take this simple idea and use it to transform countless lives. And I’ve experienced the joy of being included in God’s work — and having that sense of purpose and adventure that comes from doing what He made me to do. 

But here’s the thing… MY STORY COULD BE YOUR STORY. 

I’m just a few years ahead of you. I’m just a bit further down the path.

It doesn’t seem that long ago that I was in your shoes — longing to serve God in bigger ways, but unsure of where to start. 

But I was desperate for a change and I got a shove in the right direction in the form of some books. And within six months my life was totally different. 

I want YOU to have that same experience. I want to provide you with the encouragement and coaching you need to take the next step in your life. 

I want you to experience the joy of being part of what God is doing in our world.

That’s why I created Do Hard Things University.

I’d love to have you join me.

Do Hard Things University

One payment of $297 (or break it into easy monthly payments)

(That's $1.65 per day)

Are you ready to stop dreaming and start doing?

  • Get the full Do Hard Things University Course
  • Participation in (6) Live Q&A Calls
  • Access to the Do Hard Things University community
  • Access to the World Changer Interview Series
  • Direct feedback on your projects and ideas
  • Access to the Project Makeover Library
  • Life-time membership with free upgrades
  • 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

To register more than one student, please email me:

Pay-What-You-Can Policy

We don't turn anyone away for lack of funds

If your family can't afford $55/month... 

We want you to PAY LESS.

Families who are struggling financially are welcome to register at a price they can afford — all the way down to $0.

Click the button below for more information and to view our Pay-What-You-Can pricing options:

30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Try DHTU for 30 days... RISK FREE.  

What happens if you're not satisfied with your purchase? 

If you are unsatisfied with your purchase within the first 30 days, just ask for a refund. 

Simply email me anytime within 30 days of purchase to get your money back: 

The only requirement is that you watch at least two sessions before requesting your refund. We only give refunds to people who give us a fair chance. :)

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions DHTU Students Asked Before Saying "Yes"

How much time does take?

DHTU is a self-paced course, meaning you can spend as much or as little time per week as your schedule allows. For example, if you need to take a few weeks off for a missions trip, you can take a break and pick back up where you left off. 

That said, a typical schedule would be 2-3 hours per week for six weeks while going through the teaching sessions

There's no required "homework" outside of class.

My goal isn't to load you up with more "stuff" to do. My goal is to provide the practical, step-by-step support you need to be more effective and productive in all that God is calling you to do.

What if I don't have time for another class?

To be honest, I would think of this less as another "class" and more as a support group, where you will be encouraged, re-invigorated, and coached to be more effective and efficient in all your other responsibilities.

In other words, I especially recommend DHTU to busy young people.

Why? Because when busyness takes over the first thing to go is clarity. And once we lose clarity we lose purpose and passion. We're just running around going through the motions. We've lost our sense of why we're doing all this stuff anyway.

DHTU is designed to help you step back from the grind for a few hours each week and re-connect with what matters most. And we ALL need to do that.


Will you be offering this program again? 

Yes... BUT because I invest such a large amount of time and attention in my students, I can only afford to offer DHTU a few times per year.

The last time I offered DHTU was in July 2016.

I can’t really predict when I’ll be able to do it again, but I certainly want to keep investing in young people who are serious about doing hard things.

When does enrollment close? 

Enrollment closes on Thursday, July 14th at 11:59PM (PDT) — then I have to shut things down and start teaching the course. (Whoohoo!)

What Students Are Saying:

"This is one of the most worthwhile things I have ever been involved with, and it came at the perfect time for me. I think that any believing individual who desires to either find their passion or live a more fruitful life should take this course!"

— MALLORY, Age 19

"DHTU has been amazing! It's challenged me to make significant changes, and I'm excited to see where they lead me. I would definitely recommend this class to a teen who is looking for a sense of direction in life, or a project!"

— SAM, Age 16

"DHTU came at just the right time, as I was really struggling with time management and putting important things first. DHTU has helped me to re-evaluate my priorities and become more effective in doing hard things. I especially enjoyed the interactive experience, and Brett's thoughtful contemplation of our individual situations. I feel empowered to take action on the projects I am passionate about."

— LISBETH, Age 15


DHTU is a good fit for you IF...

You are a committed Christian between the ages of 12 and 24.

You are passionate about something, but you don’t know how to pursue it and could use some guidance on getting started.

You are looking for confidence and clarity about WHAT hard things God wants you to do and HOW to start doing them.

You don’t yet have a clear direction for your life and could use help identifying a passion that honors God.

You are interested in launching a project as a young person and want guidance from someone who has actually done it.

You've tried pursuing your passion, but you got stuck or discouraged and would love help staying motivated.

You are already pursuing your passion, but want to take things to the next level. You’re ready to grow your impact.

You have a dream. But do you have a plan?

Try DHTU for 30 days with our 100% Money Back Guarantee.

  • Get the full Do Hard Things University Course
  • Participation in (6) Live Q&A Calls
  • Access to the Do Hard Things University community
  • Access to the World Changer Interview Series
  • Direct feedback on your projects and ideas
  • Access to the Project Makeover Library
  • Life-time membership with free upgrades
  • 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee